With more than 33.000 pigeons
there were a lot of highlights to report about, due to limited space only
some short comments are possible with focus on genetically aspects. The
most interesting points were still included in the reports on new breeds
and colorations and the AOC-class. From the fanciers’ point of view the
aviary with red bellied Krasnodar
Tumblers was striking. In their juvenile plumage they are entirely red.
Informative was also the aviary that contained different Chinese breeds
with traditional pigeon whistles on their tail feathers. Finally the
aviary with Oriental Rollers did not contain the Almond (vielfarbige)
Rollers only but in addition some Kites and also DeRoy. There was some
discussion in the last years whether an aviary with a mix of different
colorations should be graded at all and for colorations that carry the
Almond gene this now is possible due to genetically considerations. The
background: In Germany it is forbidden to breed two Almonds together
because it is considerer a cruelty to animals. As educated pigeon breeders
know, about one quarter of the offspring of such a mating is white, often
shows bladder eyes and usually dies after some weeks. With some exceptions
it is not possible to raise a healthy homozygous Almond cock, and if, the
bird will not show the Almond-coloration but will be white, sometimes with
some coloured feathers mainly in the neck region. To prevent the
generation of homozygous Almond cocks, Almonds (and thus also Vielfarbige)
usually are matched with Kites, Golddun or Agates. Also DeRoys may be
matched with Kites or Golddun to raise some classical Almonds. Since
DeRoys genetically are recessive red Almonds, they may also not be mated
to Almonds.
In the general class of the yellow
Runts we could see that gold is in advance and since the judges in
many breeds often prefer a rich and deep colour gold may displace yellow,
as is the case in the Swing Pouter where all birds in the yellow
class are gold instead of yellow. This tendency exists in many breeds in
Germany, and breeders and judges in most cases are not educated enough
even to get aware of it. The breeders of Cauchois entered more than
300 birds, also the rare coloration often where presented in greater
numbers, e.g. 37 self black Cauchois, both with and without a white
Bavette. After their recent acceptance as a standard colour the Texan for
breeding blue, blue checker and black faded hens where shown in great
numbers, and a lot of them were striking with their sprinkled appearance.
The andalusian King compared to former years considerably improved
in their colour. Modena Magnanis were shown in Almond (vielfarbige),
silver sprenkled and in addition a brown sprenkled and a yellow sprenkled
were announced. However, despite their high grading from a genetically
point of view they were disappointing. The “brown sprenkled” in reality
was a due to his age darker Almond, the yellow sprinkled bird was near to
white with some reddish in the neck region similar to some pure faded
cocks. In the class of smoky blue Sevillaner Croppers the hen was
very similar to a blue faded hen, and also no. 12132 was not a black
Granadina Cropper cock but a grey one, perhaps heterozygous faded or
an unknown mutation. Some of the Field-pigeons were beautiful
andalusian with white bars (Toy Stencil). Rare are also the red
Starlings. This variety was still mentioned by Christian Ludwig Brehm
in his book from 1857 and considered distinct several times. Some people
even thought it impossible to breed them at all, now they were shown in
several numbers the first time at such a great exhibition. Oriental
Owls and their relatives were also entered with more than 170 numbers,
including some rare kinds like two Vizor Owls and two black
Domino Owls. In the Danish Tumbler breed “Perlede” is a
specific coloration known only in this breed. In Germany it it called
“Perlblau” (peal blue in English). In the last years they are entered as
“diluted blue bars”, in German “Blaufahl mit Binden”, a coloration that is
not accepted in the Danish Standard. The German Standard contains both.
Diluted blue bars, however, are very rare if they exist at all in the
moment. The difference in genetic terms makes the ice factor, “perlede”
are diluted blue bars plus ice and much lighter than simple blue bars. The
difference becomes obvious when we look at diluted blue bars of other
breed, e.g. Cologne Tumblers (see the photos in the German language
report). The black tigered Danzig Highfliers are worth to be
mentioned because of the intense discussion whether this coloration should
be allowed to have a dark beak. The argument pro was the problem to reach
a light beak in the breeding pen, now they were shown with a light beak
and this in an excellent quality. Oriental Rollers are often shown
also in diluted blue bars, diluted blue checker and ash red and ash yellow
bars. In the last years Spread Ash was added to the standard colours and
also yellow checkers are sometimes shown. One great standard problem in
the moment is the requirement in respect to the colour of the beak.
“Wachsschnabel” (Wax-beak) is required for all colours with exception for
Kites. Wachsschnabel means a very light beak. Black and blue Oriental
Rollers only show a light beak in the case the Smoky factor is present,
and even then it need careful selection. However, diluted blue bar,
diluted blue checker, ash yellow bar and checker and even pure ash red bar
cocks may have a light beak without the Smoky factor. Since the smoky
factor in these colorations has the negative side effect to darken the
overall plumage these coloration usually lack the Smoky factor. But not
all, and the exception usually have a lighter flash beak. Therefore the
question arises how to handle the birds with smoky and without smoky in
the same class. Some prefer to require the Smoky factor for all
colorations, others fear that then the popular blue bars and blue checker
will disappear and I fear most judges and fancier will not realise the
difference and get the point. Last not least we should mention the small
but impressive group of English Short Faced Tumblers which
traditionally contains the complementary colours Kites, Goldun and Agates
with some Almonds that could serve as a model for an excellent coloration.
Photos are included in the German language report.