(C//+) ―
Dunkelgehämmert (C//C und CT) ― Dunkel (CDu)
Gehämmert (C//+ und
C//C) — Dunkelgehämmert/-gesäumt (CT)
— Dunkel (CDu)
Gehämmert (C//+) — Dunkelgehämmert
(C//C) — Dunkelgehämmert/-gesäumt (CT)
— Dunkel (CDu)
Pattern in the domestic pigeon
In the
genetic literature following W.F. Hollander in general 4 types of pattern
are discussed. Besides the Wild-Typ bars with the symbol + the allel
barless (c), Checker (C) and T-pattern Checker (CT) are
separated. Hollander in addition mentioned a light version of checker (CL)
and dark checker CD. CL is the lightest type, C the
typical light checks shown in the Strasser breed and others, homozygous
C-checks (C//C) are darker compared to heterozygous (C//+), dark checks
are somewhat between C-checks and T-pattern checks. Genetically the darker
pattern versions dominate the lighter ones. In the show pen today in
addition a very dark check is separated and one of the prominent
colourations e.g. of the German Beauty Homers and Show Racers, called
“Dunkel” (dark). Such birds appear near to black in some cases with some
blue still in the tail feathers.
there is a smooth transition of the different types of checker it becomes
a problem to build classes for the show room. In practice the solution
differs in the various breeds. This contribution offers three different
ways of class-building and it is stressed that these kinds of pattern
occur in the brown and dominant red colour rows as well as in combination
with other traits like Indigo.