Lebanon Pigeons and Lebanonbronze
Red and yellow Lebanon Pigeons with mirror wings and white tail bar
fascinate pigeon lovers through the intensive colour and the colour
contrast. The colour is also found in Rzhew Ribbon Tailed Tumblers,
Tula Tumblers, Volga Tumblers and some other breeds.

Fig. 1: Lebanon Pigeon red and yellow

Fig. 2: Rzhev Ribbontail red and Tula Ribbontail red
Also from genetics they are interesting. W. F. Hollander has shown
that the Lebanon Pigeons are not recessive red, but genetically
dominant red with a dark check pattern (velvet). The recessive red
would damage the coloration. In addition, however, additional
colour-intensifying factors such as kite bronze are considered
necessary to achieve the intensive coloration. He suspected that
there might be different modifiers in different breeds. The transfer
of the white tail bar on black pigeons is not possible. This has
shown several attempts for Rzhev Ribbontails. After crossbreeding in
the own loft, some of the reds from the following generations showed
the white tail bar, however, none of those with a black color. In
reports that claim the opposite, crosses were made with satinettes
and blondinettes with the factor 'Frill Stencil' of the Oriental
Owls. Thus Rolf Pikhart=Halle had developed some with the bluette-tail
marking (Karsten 1967).

Fig 3: Rzhev Ribbontails in an article of Hans Joachim Karsten: Gibt
es schwarze Rshewer Sternschwanztümmler?
(Are there black Rzev Rzev Ribbontails?) Geflügel-Börse 14/1967
Many Fantails at the exhibitions shown as mirror-tails are far from
the colour intensity of the Lebanon pigeons. They have the modifier
to whiten the tail bar in dominant reds. However, the tail bar is
not white, and in addition the tail feathers lacks
colour-intensifying factors.

Fig. 4: Fantails, shown at the VDT-Show Leipzig as Ribbontails
(Source: Genetik der Taubenfärbungen 2015)
Such 'mirror tails' can also be obtained without crossing with
Lebanon pigeons by selecting dominant red. Still without selection
they often occur in German red Beauty Homers (velvets).

Fig. 5: Left and middle, red German Beauty Homer, at the right Rzev
Ribbontail (Source: Pigeon Genetics 2012)
Joe Quinn (1971, p.79) has listed the factor Lebanon bronze in the
treatment of the bronze factors. Lebanon bronze darkens in crosses
with the wild type and triggers a tinge of bronze. In dominant reds
(velvets), there are lightening of the mirrors in wings and tail.
Paul Gibson had suggested that there was no factor in Lebanon bronze
and other bronze factors could take over the part. First, an
assertion that other factors could take over the part does not mean
that the factor does not exist. Whether it produces identical or
similar effects is still an open question.
Crossbreeding of a Volga Tumbler with a blue-check hen confirmed
that it was a dark check dominant red lacking the colour spreading
factor, as in the case of the Lebanon pigeons and Rzhew star-tails.
The colour intensity of the F1 has decreased dramatically
compared to the Volga Tumbler, the tail colour is ashen and not red.

Fig. 6: Test mating of red Volga Tumblers. At the left the Volga
Tumbler cock and blue check hen, their F1 and selected F2
.At the right selected youngsters of the F2 and neck feather of the
kite-mimic youngster and a Volga-Tumbler (Source: Genetik der
In the F2, there were some dark check hens similar to
English Short Faced kites. It is worth mentioning how deeply some of
the copper luster penetrated the spring (Fig. 6 at the right). It
cannot come from the blue check mother, it must have come from the
Volga Tumbler. None of the red ones with an acceptable mirror tail,
which in most of them failed because of the ashen colour of the
In a further mating with a hen with Gimpel pigeon background (some
generations back) in the F1 some red with bluish
brightened tail band and in the F2 also some intense red
with almost white tail bar. Here are the darken effects attributed
to Quinn's Lebanon Bronze and the whitening effect, whether it is
one factor or several, that is open.

Fig. 8: Breast feather of a red Volga Tumbler at the left, followed
by a breast feather of a F1 (both feathers in the middle) and
feather of a dominant red South German Blasse at the right. At the
right side above a youngster for the F1 from the second
mating and below an almost ribbon tailed F2 (Source:
Genetik der Taubenfärbungen)
For practical purposes, the reports from the fancy and own
experiments show that the phenotype in backcrosses to Leanon or
Startail Tumblers in some of the youngsters is well established.
Splitting in the F2 will be less successful, but that is
typical of those phenomena where multiple recessive genetic factors
have to work together. Gibson has come to similar phenomena by
combining the essential components from other breeds. Concrete he
transferred the dominant red color to the dark kites of Brander
breed and thus combined dominant red, the dark checker pattern, a
bronze trait and the absence of Spread.
Gibson, Paul (Hrsg.), Pigeon Genetics Newsletter August 2004, 2007
Hollander, W.F., Origins and Excursions in Pigeon Genetics, Burrton,
Kansas 1983
Karsten, Hans-Joachim, Gibt es schwarze Sternschwanztümmler?
Geflügel-Börse 14/1967
Quinn, Joe, The Pigeon Breeders Notebook 1971
Sell, Axel, Genetik der Taubenfärbungen, Achim 2015
Sell, Axel, Pigeon Genetics. Applied Genetics in the Domestic
Pigeon, Achim 2012