New Breeds and Colors
in the Pigeon Class Leipzig 7.-9. December 2018 - The Anniversary of
the 100th National of the German BDRG
Where better to show the breeding
connection of tradition with the new one than in the class of new

Among the nearly 22,000 pigeons
exhibited in Leipzig, there were 114 in the class of new breeds or
colors in standardized breeds, including six collections in the
sighting and eleven in the ‘presentation’ to get accepted in the
standard. The sighting serves only as an orientation, in the
presentation the individuals are given a critique and evaluated.
Dilute blue (silver) Romans in the sighting sounded strange.
Most viewers would have thought that this traditional color has long
been recognized in almost all races, even among Romans. They are
genetically blue in color, and the dilution gene is present by
yellow in the breed, thus an easy gene combination. So in the past
it was not surprising that there were also dilute khaki-bars among
the brown-bars. The logic of the current regulations is not clear to

Runt dilute blue (silver)
In the sighting also yellow
‘Mittelhäuser’ were shown, which seemed to be in the yellow tone
a bit different. The breeders as well as other breeders of this
color-class can be advised to look of the down
length shortly after hatching. If both, yellow and golden are in the
strain, the differences will also show in the length of the dunes of
the young.

Mittelhäuser shown as yellows
In the Beneschauer black-tigered
pigeons one was complained of a breastfold. Also noted was the
not well distributed tiger-marking. A pigeon also showed a white
wing feather, which is not allowed in tigers.

Beneschau Pigeons black-tiger
Giant Homer in multicolored
and silver spinkle have gained in terms of color and also
achieved a high rating with five very good (sg) and three good (g)
notes. Multicolored is not Almond and allows a wider range of colors.
But nevertheless a bit more yellowish-brown color was suggested to
make a difference to sprinkles. Sometimes it is helpful to remember
how some multicolored in other breeds look like.

Giant Homers shown as multi-colored
and for comparison a multi-colored from Oriental Rollers
Silver sprinkles
are distinguished by the
silver-gray base color instead of the white base color from black
sprinkles. Unfortunately, Oriental Rollers, where silver sprinkles
served in the past as an example for correct coloration, seem to
lose their orientation. Among the five individuals exhibited as
silver sprinkles, only one was a silver sprinkle, the other badly colored multi-colored.
And on the other side at the black
sprinkles occasionally the pure white basic color is lost as a
difference to the silver sprinkles. A pity!

Giant Runt silver sprinkle and a
silver-sprinkle Oriental Roller hen from the general class
Multi-colored ones were also
presented at German Beauty Homers. Because of his other
qualities, a young male also was graded very good (sg), but in the
basic color the brown-yellow color was more to be imagined than to
be seen. Promising in this regard, a young hen, from which one can
expect as a hen, and then as a young one, no pronounced mottling at
this age, that will probably improve.
Multi-colored German Beauty Homers
The Dutch Beauty Homers in
black and dun-tigered were criticised because of their not
evenly distributed white feathers at the colord ground, but some
left a good impression also in this respect.

Dutch Beauty Homers black and dun-tigered
Dominant red-tigered Dutch Beauty
Homers were
still in the sighting. Compared to recessive red their wings and
tail are light ash colored and often so bright that they are hardly
distinguishable from white. The requirement for colored wings and
tail exists for tigers in general, but compared with black and dun
has no significant impact. A dominant red hen in the photo was kind
enough to show the remaining colored mirror in a primary feather as
a proof that the feather is not white. Again, the inadequate
distribution of white feathers on a now ash red background was
objected to.

Dutch Beauty Homers Dominant Red
German Modeneser Schietti brown-pieds
were also in the sighting. Two of the four shown made with an
appealing color, pied marking and typical overall appearance
a positive impression and demonstrated their beauty. Clearly two
showed too much white, as though do too many as piebald rated
pigeons in other breeds
in the general class without complaint.

German Modeneser Schietti brown
pieds and blue black bar grizzle
Another very positive impression
left the collection of blue grizzle with black bars of the
German Modeneser Schietti, which was also rewarded with three sg.
Lower Bavarian Pouters
in the traditional Gimpel-Pigeon markings in gold-black-wing stood
with four individuals for sighting. In shape and behavior, they are
beautiful pouters like their copper-black-winged relatives. A great
contribution to the anniversary of the 100th National of the German
BDRG. In the crop area and the neck, some of them showed some soot.
This occurs in pouters in the crop area anyway stronger than in
color pigeons, but is also in these not an uncommon fault. With the
moult fully closed, the appearance will improve as well, which will
also apply to the shown pouters.

Lower Bavarian Pouters gold
Münsterland Field Pigeons in
blue-checks have
been shown earlier. A few decades ago, when pigeon breeds were
defined in many cases by the limitation to certain color-classes or
pied markings, the demarcation between them was easier. If today
Mittelhäuser, Beneschauer Pigeons, Carneau and other breeds are
recognized in all colors classes, and you continue to make only
non-binding information on the form, posture and the size frame,
then the showing and judging of fancy pigeons will be faced with new

Münsterland Field Pigeon blue
check and silver barless Altenburg Trumpeter with ocker breast
Altenburg Trumpeter
mehllicht (silver with ocker breast) barless correspond in coloring
to Coburg Larks, they seemed not fully developed in the moult yet, a
cage was empty.
Old German Fantails
in white stood again in the sighting and gave a somewhat
inconsistent impression in appearance and behaviour. At times a free
posture with a bit of trembling, then a similar show-off like modern
Fantails. In addition, the bad habit found there to hide under the

Old German Fantails
In the Chinese Pigeons
(Owls) dun-tiger one was rather surprised to see them again among
the new breeds. They are a typical ‘intermediate color-class’ that
may be produced within a breed from the combinations of genes that are
present in that breed. Black and other tigers exist for long in
Chinese Owls in very good quality, and the dilution factor exists
with them in silver and other color-classes.

Chinese Owl dun-tigered
Old Oriental Owls Blondinettes
with laced tail
in black-laced and brown laced were presented with very good grades.

Old Oriental Owls Blondinette
black laced and brown laced with laced tail
Slightly less well, the
Blondinettes with mirror tails in blue with white bars,
blue-white checks and red-white checks.

Old Oriental owls Blondinette with
mirror tails blue with white bars, blue white check an red-white
check with mirror tails
The completion of the class made
the first sightimg for four Old Oriental Owls Blondinettes
with mirror tail in sulfur-laced.

Old Oriental Owls Blondinette
sulfur laced with mirror tails