Pied Marking in the Domestic Pigeon
Some pied markings are constantly inherited with minor deviations.
So with shield pigeons and recessive magpies. Others breed not true
as the 'intermediary' magpie-marking and some color-heads like
Konigsberg Tumblers.

Source: Sell, Pigeon Genetics. Applied Genetics in the Domestic
Pigeon, Achim 2012
Less well known is the splitting of the rare Vogtländer Trumpeters
with a monk-marking into monks with colored tail, self whites and
Quelle: Sell, Genetik der Taubenfärbungen, Achim 2015
New for most breeders is a similar inheritance in white heads from
the North Caucasus, discussed by the Remco De Koster in No. 24/2017
of the German ‘Geflügel Zeitung’ with photos. One of the secondary
colors is over-marked piebald and the other is full-color.

Quelle: Remco de Koster, Weißköpfe aus dem Nordkaukasus, Geflügel
Zeitung no. 24/2017
His report demonstrates again that not every pigeon breed that has a
white head has the same heredity. Therefore, we should not call
everything that has a white head 'Baldhead'. This raises the
expectation that one can explain all these markings according to a
uniform rule.

Quelle: Sell, Pigeon Genetics. Applied Genetics in the Domestic
Pigeon, Achim 2012
discussion of some experiences with magpie crosses at