The 6th Revier-Show 9 & 10
January 2016 in Dortmund
Hubbel-Pigeons in the sales section
6th Revier show took place in cooperation with the German Racing
Homer exhibition. The approximately 1,700 fancy pigeons were shown
in the same hall of the approximately 1,200 pigeons in the racing
homer section. 30 % of the homer section, however, were not racers
used in racing contests, but beauty pigeons without any flying
record. In a short time over some years, the appearance has clearly
removed from that of the working homers. This was already obvious by
the comparison of the racing pigeons selected as 'standard cock' and
'standard hen' from the performance classes with the' most
beautiful' cock from the beauty class (see Fig. 1).

1: Standard cock and hen (left and middle) from the flying section
and most beautiful cock in the beauty section of the racing homer
a development probably is inevitable for breeds that are selected
for beauty only. That still happened about 1870 in England with the
creation of the Show Antwerp from Belgian racing homers. Antwerp was
the English name for continental homers, because they were shipped
to England via the port Antwerp. 'Show Antwerp' thus means 'Belgian
Racing Homers for show purpose'. Shortly later the Show Homer and
many other spin-offs from the Belgian Racing Pigeon followed up to
the present time.
the German Schautaube (German Beauty Homer) had originally started
as a German exhibition homer pigeon (Deutsche Schönheitsbrieftaube)
and was displayed under this name in the book of Schachtzabel 1910.
The name changed to German Exhibition Pigeon (Deutsche Schautaube),
and the individuals from 1954, as it was shown in the monograph by
Weger, differed little at that time to today's new exhibition
pigeons in the racing homer section and Polish and Belgian
exhibition homers (Fig. 3). For anyone seriously interested in one
of the breeds of this breed group, a look at the author's book
'homing pigeons and their relatives' or at least in the relevant
chapter in 'Pigeon Genetics' is highly recommended. One cannot
understand the own breed, if one does not know their history and
their relatives.

2: Cover of the (German language) book 'Racing Homers and their
Relatives', Fig. 3.
German Beauty
Homers about 1950 from the brochure Richard Weger, Die Deutsche
Schautaube, Bochum 1954. Photos from p. 102 of 'Brieftauben und
ihre Verwandten'.
Antwerps were not shown here and have become very rare, not only in
Germany. Some of them not so different, except for the missing Owl
frill little of the English Owls, that today also very rarely seen.
Both may soon be replaced by Barbets and Liege Beauty pigeons
rediscovered recently as exhibition breeds. Both breeds are
currently probably still slightly smaller, however, since size data
usually are missing in the standards, that is also not a clear
differentiator. Show Homer could not be seen in Dortmund and are
also very rare. They were substuted by a large number of Show Racers
, which seem to grow into the role of the Show Homer, and some still
appear like Show Homers a few decades ago.

4: Show Racer dark(check), Fig. 5: Hungarian Show Pigeons
Revier-Show began with an aviary with Hungarian Show Pigeons
in different colors. The breed is not yet recognized in Germany as a
fancy breed but well know in Hungary and Austria. In the feet
feathering they are similar to some former strains of racing homers,
also in the shape of head, but much larger. Show Racers were
shown with 114 numbers, including some rare colors like Indigo. 190
Dutch Beauty Homers were entered, also with some rare colors
inclusive of two blue barless.

6: Dutch Beauty Homer blue bar. Fig. 7: Dutch Beauty Homer blue
offshots from Belgian Racing Homers some Exhibition Homers
and Genuine Homers were shown. The Genuine Homer are stronger
remained arrested in the type of racing pigeon and are characterized
by a particular face shape.

8: Exhibition Homer head of a red check, Fig. 9: Exhibition Homer
red check
Polish light blue beauty racers had a strong resemblance to
many beauty racers shown in the beauty department of pigeon show.
Similarly, light blue pigeons were also shown there. However, in the
racing homer section also beauty homers are evaluated in hand, e.g.
in the bone structure , shape and strength of the back , etc.

10: Polish Exhibition Homer 'lichtblau', Fig. 11: Genuine Homer blue
Indirectly related to the homing pigeons are the Spanish strawberry
eyes. They are to the Barb, who is expected to decline from the
ancient Turkish Pigeon like the also shown English exhibition
Carrier. The Turkish pigeons according to old sources was used in
earlier time in the Turkish/Arabian region as a carrier pigeon .

12: Head of a red Spanish Strawberry Eye, Fig. 13: Spanish
Strawberry red pied, Fig. 14: English Exhibition Carrier yellow
the pouter group many Iberian pouter breeds were shown and some of
them also interesting from a color genetic point of view. Jiennense
Pouters had some entries in the AOC-class. Some of them looking like
hemizygous faded hens or heterozygous faded cocks. One light cream
cock was announced as a faded red. May be he was a homozygous cock
for this kind of faded, on an ash red color basis. If he indeed
belongs to the family of the blue faded or faded-mimic hens, this
kind of faded is different from the typical faded Texans. Some
research on this topic would be interesting, but seems not probable.
19: Jiennense Pouter old hen (AOC-class, phenotypical a blue bar
faded hen), Fig. 20: Jiennensekröpfer cock announced as red faded,
perhaps a faded-mimic at an ash red basis.
Several other interesting breeds were shown and in part are
presented with photos in the German language show report. Since
living in the suburb of Bremen the Bremen Tumbler should be
mentioned. It is a solo flyer and shown were two rare dilute blues.
Typical for this breed is not only the flying style but also the red
eye where the pupil should be surrounded by a light pearl circle.
The photo of the eye of a black white flight cock was taken a week
later at a Bremen Show.
21: Bremen Tumbler dilute blue bar, Fig. 22: Typical eye color of a
black white flight cock Bremen Tumbler, red with a pearl circle
surrounding the pupil