European Show Leipzig 06 II
are one of the greatest classes and were entered in great numbers and
different breeds. Despite the age of the breed and the tradition of most
of the colorations exhibitors and also show judges seem to have
difficulties to classify the birds correct. Thus the whole group of “rot
bunt” Memeler Highfliers inclusive of the best cock with hv96 ET
were light veined of the red type and not “rot bunt”. Correct “Rotbunte”
are listed in the standard but represent quite another colouration. Also
Danish Tumbler “perlede” or “pearl blue” were erroneously shown and
judged in the class for simple dilute blue bars (silver bars). And again the class of
yellow selfs included some gold instead of yellow birds with a much darker
tone. Danish Stippers were also present, however only in the grey variety,
they were shown by a Dutch fancier and not by our Danish neighbours.
188 German Long Beaked Tumblers were shown.
One of the greater sub-classes in this breed was the group of beards ash yellow
bar. There is some discussion in the moment about the name of this colour
and also about the correct colouration.
From a genetic point of view in Germany ash yellow
bars in combination with the grizzle factor in tumblers is called “streifig”, e.g.
Berlin Short Beaked Tumblers and Schöneberger Streifige. “Streifen” is
just another word for “bars” or “bands”, perhaps we could translate it
with stripe. Formerly and in the old literature yellow bars in combination
with some kind of Ice were called “Gelbbänder” (yellow banded) and are
known e.g. from the Hamburg Sticken. Common ash yellows sometimes were
called cream or even isabell in some breeds, and to make the confusion
perfect, also the term “yellow banded” sometimes was used for them. Thus,
the use of names never was uniform in old times.
From literature we know that ash yellow bars of the
Beard Tumbler despite the different genetic make-up formerly were also
called “yellow-streifig” like the Berlin Tumblers. However, before being
overwhelmed by nostalgic feelings and to conclude to go back to the old
name we should compare the birds of today with the former birds. From old
paintings of “yellow- and red-streifig” birds after 1900 we learn that the
Beards shown in the pens in Leipzig are not identical (compare the photos
in the German language report). The ancient birds had a deep red or yellow
neck, the birds exhibited in Leipzig show a frosty neck, some kind of ice
or ice-mimic seems to be involved. The former birds were similar to the
today Danish ash yellow and ash red barred Tumblers and such birds might
also exist in the Beards today but were not shown. Therefore, not only the term for the
colouration has changed, but the coloration of at least some Beards in the
leading strains, too.
Berlin Long-Muffed Tumblers were shown in a lot of
different colourations and for some of them we are also not quite sure how
they looked like in former time. Probably the coloration also changed
during the decades depending on the taste of fanciers and also due to more
or less arbitrary crosses with other breeds. It might be therefore useful
to state in the accompanied pictures how dark blue, silver (dilute blue)
and light blue differ in the Berlin Long-Muffed Magpie Tumbler in the year
In the class of the Danzig Highfliers with a
dilute “Dunkelmaser” hen also an absolute rarity was shown in no. 42617,
unrealized most probably by the breeder and the judge, too. Pomeranian
Eye Crested Highfliers in top quality were shown by leading fanciers
in white and black, and also Oriental Roller had their specifics
with “Vielfarbene”, Sprenkles, DeRoys and Kites as common colorations of
the Almond family. Agates were missing. Kites were shown with a white
beak, something unusual in other breeds. The beak usually is dark horny as
is the case for Kites of the Danish Brown Stippers. Experts discussed at
the show pens the genetics of yellow and red sprenkles and concluded that
they (or at least most of them) are something else but not Almonds and
thus should not be compared with black sprenkles. Probably another
description in the standard is required. This also holds for red and
yellow sprenkles in other breeds like the Debrecine Rollers. One of
the Debrecine Rollers was exhibited and judged as brown bar, however it
was a silver bar (dilute blue) plus bronze. A lot of smaller collections
of foreign breeds were shown that cannot all be mentioned all. Different
colorations were shown in the group of the Catalanian Tumblers,
including some nuns. Polish Szek-Tumblers butterfly-marked proved
to be storked birds, steel-blue in that breed means a lighter Dirty-blue.
Buga Tumbler from Hungary and Escampadissa Tumblers from
Spain are only two interesting breeds from many took attention of the
visitors. The latter were exhibited as blue bars, however, usually we call
this colour Kites. Plain headed Karakand Tumblers are a breed from
North-Syria and very similar in the general appearance to the (crested)
Danzig Highfliers and demonstrated that also otherwise Highfliers with a
wide tail exist. Polish Orliks are related to other breeds of South
Russia and Ukraine, and also the yellow and red Wilna Orliks are part of
this group. Polish short beaked Magpies are similar to Markish
Magpies, and the Hungarian black magpies resembled the ancestors of
the modern long beaked magpies and the since long extinct north German
Kiel magpie tumbler.
Last not least 46
Limerick Tumblers were shown. Limerick is a well know type of poems
following specific rules. However, the breed or at least the name for it
seems to be of rather recent origin. They are attractive birds mainly in
colorations of the Almond group and alleles of it. Several of them were
exhibited as “Vielfarbige”, others in the AOC-class resembled Qualmond,
one of them heterozygous Faded. The type is similar if not identical to
the flying type of the West of England Tumbler who was created before 1900
by crossing Oriental Roller and Dutch Highfliers. The Show West was
created in the USA and now is a rather heavy and brawny pigeon that has
removed far from those birds still pictured in the book from Levi
“Encyclopedia of Pigeon Breeds, 1965”. However, compared to the original
Flying West the only difference seems to be the shortness and setting of
the beak, thus perhaps not a great innovation, rather a nostalgic
rediscovery. The new type might have been developed by crosses with
English Muffed Long Faced Tumblers. However, the breed looks much more
elegant than both the Show West and the Long-Faced Tumbler, however, this
soon my change in the process of breeding for the show pen, since
unfortunately the cock that was selected as model and graded highest was
lacking all the elegance that made the breed something outstanding (see
the photos in the German language report). Not a good omen for the future.