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Pomeranian Eye Crested Highfliers The Pomeranian Eye Crested Highfliers are related to the Danzig Highflyer which is similar in size, general appearance and the flying style. Today the main differences are: The Pomeranian has eye crests, the Danzig none; the shell crest of the Pomeranian should have rosettes in opposite to the Danzig; the Danzig has an ached tail whereas the Pomeranian has a small one. Finally the eye cere of the Pomeranian is red, of the Danzig light, and the head of Pomeranian is more rounded. From old sources on these breeds it can be taken for sure that both breeds are of quite the same origin and that in former time both breeds were taken as subgroups of the same breed. Dürigen (1906) and Prütz (1885) in describing the Danzig mentioned that also sometimes birds with eye crests at one or both sides exist and that these birds at that time were called "Klappentümmler". Wolter in an article from 1936 tells us, that around 1877 his father got a couple of white eye crested highfliers which were quite equal to the later Pomeranian and that he had found a lot of Danzig at that time, possessing that trait. There are additional hints in literature that the Pomeranian was developed only by selection from the original Danzig. According to Loeffler (1932) and other authors the breed formerly was shorter and bigger in figure, the stance was slightly downwards, the tail flat and small with 12 to 14 feathers, the head cornered or rounded, the eye cere reddish. If we add to such a bird eye crests we indeed have a pigeon similar to the Pomeranian Eye Crest. Such birds were common at that time in Galicia and in the countries of the southeast of Europe and got to Germany by raftsmen coming up the stream Weichsel to the Baltic Sea. Related birds in this region are Highfliers from Szeged in Hungary which have a similar flying style. The origin of the Szeged in Hungary is supposed to date from the Turkish domination in the 16th century. This in mind we can conclude that the Pomeranian Eye Crested Highfliers are the remainder of the ancestors of the modern Danzig. The breed got an official standard in 1922. In this standard only white Pomeranian were accepted. By a systematic breeding plan other colorations were developed by the author with the help of Danzig and Danish Tublers. In 1978 selfs in black, blue bar and mealy as well as black white flights were accepted as standard colors. In 1985 platinum was added as standard color. The cocks of this novelty in the Pigeon World are of light platinum, similar but not identical to Spread Reduced. The hens look darker and usually are more irregular in their appearance. In the meantime recessive red got accepted, and in the AOC black Sprenkles and Andalusian were shown, and several other colorations exist in small numbers. Several photos of these rare colors can be seen in the author’s pigeon books. A short description of the breed was given by the author in the American Pigeon Journal for October, 1978. As I can confirm from my own experience, several of the Pomeranian in all colorations are able to fly for some hours in great height up to becoming invisible. As is the case also for Danzig Highfliers, Pomeranians do not tumble.