

















The class of new breeds and colors at the VDT show in Kassel from 25.-27. January 2019

With 19.600 numbers the 67th German Pigeon Show in Kassel from 25.-27. January 2019 at an unusually late date certainly has fulfilled the expectations. By far the largest contingent were the German Modeneser with almost exactly 1,300 numbers. German Beauty Homers came to 580 entries. The Dutch beauty homers showed their popularity in Germany in a short time with 336 entries. Kingtauben were listed 470. Among the color pigeons the Gimpel Pigeons with 222 numbers took the largest space, Arabian Trumpeters were within the Trumpeter-Pigeons with 273 numbers the greatest group. At the flying pigeons, 388 Oriental Rollers were the most prominent breed.

In the centre of interest was the awarding of the German Championships for breeds and/or color classes the choice of champions for the individual race groups.

From a breeding point of view, the focus is on the group of new breeds and colors. Announced were 26 collections for viewing and judgement, of which three were not shown.  Giant Homer silver sprinkles and multi-colored probably because they had already met at the National in December in Leipzig, the terms for getting accepted as standard colors.

The beginning made the Brive color heads blue-laced.



Brive Colour Heads blue laced in the presentation for the acceptance as ‚standard color‘ rated from 90-94 points

Here an endless story seems to go on. Brive blue laced were already discussed on this homepage in 2004 as presented at the young poultry show Hannover in the new section http://www.taubensell.de/004_Neu_Ausstellungen/hannover2004.htm

If the memories did not deceive, then they were not recognized then because falsely was assumed they could be Dominant Opal that in homozygous state is lethal. In the following years, the recognition was postponed because color-classes other than black in the motherland France was not recognized. However, a few years ago, the green light came out there for recognition. The breed in France is now officially called Tête colorée de brive and is recognized in the colors black, blue, red and yellow.



In the previous exhibition season, the recognition failed in December 2017 in Leipzig, because one of the presented individuals had a wart on the eye. In the current exhibition and recognition conditions a plausible reason for rejection in which even a judge cannot change.


This year, the minimum score for recognition was not reached because a presented individual is said to have had a flat head. Thus, it was only 90 points instead of the targeted at least 92. The collection was thus pressed under the minimum setpoint of 370 points for the collection of four, something like a controversial penalty in the last minute.

Also in the light of this vision and experience, one should reconsider the exhibition procedure and the requirements for new colours in general. If the colours fits the colour-class and the essential standard points are established the acceptance should not fail because of some minor details. Breeding pigeons should be fun and not an obstacle course with handicaps.
In the medium term you will have to come up with other solutions anyway. Italian Triganino Modeneser e.g. already stood in Kassel in seven collections for recognition. A few more hundred or more color-classes are well spread in Italy and France and will gradually emerge here as well. If these are processed according to the similar procedure as the Brive blue laced color heads, the breeding committee actually will have no time for other and more important tasks.

Giant Homers black sprinkle with their white ground and distinct and even distributed black flecks were very appealing. Shown were also homozygous Indigo with color spreading factor in that breed for sighting as ‘homozygous Andalusian'. The color, light silver grey with more bluish at the face, was very typical.



Giant Homer black sprinkle and homozygous  Indigo with the Spread factor


Netherland Beauty Homers black tigers got high grades with three times sg (very good) from four numbers. Hungarian beauty homers yellow checks were blamed in single individuals for too dark (heavy) checks and too weak foot-feathering.



Netherland Beauty Homer black tiger and Hungarian Beauty Homer ash yellow check

Ash yellow barred Barbs were also only for sighting and not yet for final judgement. For foreigners it should be added that it is the German type with longer beak and head shape compared to the English one. Blue bronze check milky Modena Schietti stood as in the previous year again for sighting and left again a good impression. An interesting and attractive color combination!


Barb ash yellow bar and Modena Schietti blue bronze check milky

From the seven collections of the Triganino Modena in the judgement stage, only the schietti (self) yellows may have reached the recognition threshold after the note level, the others will be seen again. Shown were schietti dilute blue sulphur shields, schietti dun sulphur bars, schietti red and yellow, schietti black white bars and gazzi brown bronze bars and gazzi black white bars


Triganino Modeneser schietti dilute blue sulphur-shield and schietti dun sulphur bar


Triganino Modeneser schietti yellow and red



Triganino Modeneser schietti black white bar and gazzi brown bronze bar


Also the blue Essenbach crested pouters will not have reached the threshold and will have to be shown once again. 


Triganino Modeneser gazzi black white bar and Essenbach Pouter crested blue bar

After all, Danish Tumblers magpies dun came to two sg-notes from four individuals. It would also be surprising if they had not met the requirements of the type, because you can get dun-coloured in the first generation from the mating of the traditional colour yellow with black. A typical intermediate colour-class. This also applies to the Cologne Tumblers dilute blue bar grizzles (silver grizzles), who nevertheless had to go into the next round next season. It is rather funny that they, as probably the Danish Tumblers too, have to appear again since they are derived from mating of standard colours of the respective breeds and thus not real new creations like others that were created after outcrossing upon other breeds.


Dänish Tumbler Tümmler magpie dun and Cologne Tumbler dilute blue bar grizzle

American Helmets (Kalotten) in the sighting in red and black get through their high standing cap a completely different face than the German counterpart. Baku Tumblers plain headed in white with black tail you will probably see again next year.


American Helmet yellow and Bakuer Tumbler plain headed white black tail

Breslau Tumblers, an old German breed, in blue check are not as new as it seems by being entered in the new breed and colour section. The breed was already shown in the 1970s from fanciers originating from that region in more than the recognized standard colours. In the old ring bounded Book of Standards of that time you can even find as Standard painting the drawing of a blue check, though not listed under the standard colors. With three sg and g notes at eight animals, they may have taken the recognition hurdle.


Breslau Tumbler blue check and standard drawing in the old ring bounded Book of Standards about 1970

That unfortunately should not apply to the white Serbian high-flyers, not shown for the first time, but they again did not That might happen also to the collection of ash red dark check Arabian Trumpeters though their grading with 2 sg (very good) and 2 g (good) was not bad.


Serbian Highflier white and Arabian Trumpeter dominant red dark check
