Taubenzucht in German language
(Breeding of
Pigeons. Possibilities and limits of breeding strategies. Ornaments,
figures, behavior, breeding and inheritance in theory and practice),
Achim 2019, ISBN 978-3-9812920-6-0, 368 pages, more than 700 mostly
colored illustrations

focus of this book is breeding problems and strategies for the
implementation of pigeon genetics in practice. In projects to create
new breeds or to transfer colors from one breed to another it seems
superficially mainly to concern color genetics. However, in addition,
knowledge of physical characteristics, inheritance of ornaments,
behavior and the like is a prerequisite for a quick and lasting
success. Shown are the variety of appearances and behaviour in the
domestic pigeon. It will be traced when and how these traits
occurred and how to handle them in the breeding pen. With more than
700 illustrations, the book is also a reference work for the wealth
of variants of the domestic pigeon, hence an entertaining picture
book. More than 300 pertinent sources provide background information
on the origin of races and traits. For those interested in
historical pigeon literature, the book is also an interesting
exploration of the reliability of ancient sources with sometimes
surprising outcome. Numerous examples illustrate inheritance laws
and provide a simple understanding of the basics. The accompanying
pictures, often from own breeding, are at the same time an
illustration and proof. The reader is taken with the understanding
of the discovery process and thereby can make a plastic idea about
the methods in the breeding methods and ways of detecting
inheritance mechanisms. He will also recognize where and why there
are gaps in our knowledge. Through extensive documentation of
empirical observations, he will get facts at hand where he may 'rub'
his own test results. Pigeon genetics is not at an end!