VDT show Kassel January 2019
With almost 20,000 numbers, the 67th German Fancy Pigeon Show was
well accepted by the exhibitors. The focus at Sunday was on the
presentation of the champions and the auction in favor of the German
Cancer Aid Foundation.

Fig. 1: Exposition of the Champions der Champions and auction in
favor of the German Cancer Aid Foundation
The German Pigeon Museum Nuremberg attracted attention with its
interesting exhibits to the tradition of breeding fancy pigeons.
Anyone who was interested in the history of pigeon breeding and
pigeon breeds literarily, could have found it at book tables.

Fig. 2: Exhibits of the German Pigeon Museum Nuremberg

Fig. 3: Exhibits of the German Pigeon Museum Nuremberg and view at
a book table with new and historical books
About the new breeds and colors has already been reported. As
expected, most collections will have to be re-introduced in the next
or next few years. Including six of the seven collections of the
Triganino Modeneser. This, even though, like the others, they
consistently had the typical breeds’ traits and even agreed on the
color classes. This is not self-understanding even in the general
class. There, however, it is usually ignored by judges and breeding
committees. At least this raises the issue of equal treatment and
fairness towards the exhibitors.

Fig. 4: Review at some of the section for new colors and breeds,
Triganino Modena and Arabian Trumpeter
If collections such as the dun Danish magpie are not accepted and
the Arabian Trumpeters ash-red dark check with twice the rating,
‘very good’ and twice ‘good', the requirements cannot be right. The
grade "Very good" is awarded according to the AAB (General
Exhibition Rules) in free translation, if "all typical racial traits
are present to a high degree, the overall picture of the individual
can be described as impressive and harmonious and no defect can be
determined." A good, "if the individual has small defects but has no
gross faults in shape or other major feature. In the column 'Faults
/ defects' of the evaluation card, one must be noted." The dun
Danish magpies, the ash red dark check Arabian Trumpeters and others
are ‘intermediate’ color-classes in the sense that they can be
achieved by mating two colors recognized in the respective breeds.
You can also mate them meaningfully with other colors of the breeds.
It would be surprising if they did not show the breed type. They
also do not decrease the breed’s base. It does not hurt the breed,
if someone finds the color nice for a while and wants to show, even
if the color disappears in the meantime once. It tends to hurt the
organization more if officials believe they have to initiate a
recognition and disqualification procedure each time.
If intermediate colors that do not need an outbreeding upon other
breeds are automatically recognized by the addition at the
enumeration of standard colors "in addition to the main
color-classes all intermediate colors", much would have been gained.
Then there would be no 'dead files' because you would not need a
file at all. That races should be clearly different from existing
ones and that new foreign breeds should not violate the laws of
origin of third countries is another question. This should not be
mixed with the recognition of color-classes. If only the color makes
a difference between races, something has already gone wrong anyway.
At a German pigeon show in Kassel, should at least be honored the
breed originating there, the Kassel Tumbler.

Fig. 5: Kassel Tumbler black white-flight and brown white-flight

Fig. 6: Kassel Tumbler yellow ‚Streifer‘ and brown bar white-flight
He belongs to the group of long-beaked Tumblers who had many
followers, especially in middle Germany with breeding emphasis
around Magdeburg / Halberstadt, Brunswick and Hanover. Some breeds
run long under regional names such as Magdeburg white tails and
white.flights white tails, Brunswick beard, Hanover White-Flight or
(synonymous) Hanoverian high and solo flyer, Celler white-flight
tumblers, Bremen Tumblers, Kassel Tumblers, Dutch white high flyer
and, also white and related to the Dutch, the Stralsund Highfliers
(52). A sophisticated discussion was given by Dürigen 1886, 1906. At
that time, magpies were already known as 'German magpies'. Before
and shortly after 1900, they differed little from the Danish
magpies. According to existing pictures they all had little of
today's long-beaked tumblers. The other variants of the Danish
Tumbler, such as Selfs, Brander and Stipper, were present in central
and northern Germany and also belonged to the race circle. A total
of 127 Danish tumblers were shown in Kassel and also some of the
rare rough footed.

Fig. 7: Review at the magpie tumblers in the region before and about
1900 compared to the magpie ‚purzler‘ and the Danish magpie today.
Source: Sell, Taubernrassen, Achim 2009
Celler (Celle – a town near Hanoer) white-flight Tumblers have been
integrated into the Hanover Tumbler. Magdeburg and Brunswick Beards
together with the Magpie Tumbler and Selfs are today the Germans
Long Beaked Tumblers (127).

Fig. 8: Danish Tumbler yellow stipper groused and grey Stipper
Hanover and Bremen Tumblers have remained similar in shape. A
special feature of the Hanoverian is the subdivision into red (84)
and white eyes (14), meant, however, it the color of the eye cere.
There are in addition white steel eyes (19) with tarnished dark
beaks. Among Bremen Tumblers (60) there are white flights as well as
selfs. Even beards are popular. A special feature is the eye, which
should have a clear pearly ring around the pupil. Non-specialists
could consider it a fault.

Fig. 9: Hanover Tumbler red eye brown-pied, Bremen Tumbler blue bar
Fig. 10: Eye color of a Bremen Tumbler with a white circle
surrounding the pupil, and Stralsund highflyer with a nice balanced
The Tumbler (40) in Kassel did not make a leap in development until
1900. Thereafter he got his own characteristic with a high and
straight stance and a head profile running in a clear arc. This
change was recorded in the anthology of Wittig 1925 in a comparison
of the old type and the new type. Traditionally, the brown color
impact, as in Hanover Tumblers, is present in the breed and
relatively common. In Kassel, however, only one brown, but 10 brown
barred white flights.

Fig. 11: The development of the Kassel Tumbler from the old type to
a modern long beaked and long faced tumbler after 1900. Source:
Sell, Taubenrassen, Achim 2009
In the General Section the German Modena were by far the
largest group with almost exactly 1,300 numbers in more than 50
color classes. From the duo of Modenas, German Modeneser and
Modena, now seems to become an attractive three leaved

Fig. 12: German Modeneser Magnani vielfarbig (multi-coloured)

Fig. 13: Modena Schietti blue bronze check milky and Triganino
Modenese Schietti dun sulphur bar

Fig. 14: Modena and Triganino Modenese Gazzi compared to a
historical illustration from Bonizzi of a Modenese Flying Pigeon.
Source: Sell, Taubenrassen, Achim 2009
Italian Modena are still recognized in the German Standard in a few
gazzi color-classes as ‘Triganino Modeneser’. Now they seem
on the rise
For the name: Triganieri were holders of the pigeons who trained
their pigeons in Modena for flight and catching the pigeons of
others. All three races are traced back to these flying pigeons,
though the imports to Germany in the 1860s differed from the flying
pigeons show e.g. in the illustrations of Bonizzi (Fig. 14). The
first Modena had come to Germany at the end of the 18th century.
After that, they disappeared again until they were re-introduced
around 1860. Greater shipments came at the time also via Austria to
Germany. According to reports by contemporary witnesses, such as
Dietz-Frankfurt, they were very different in size and shape and
partly not distinguishable from the then Florentine, Hungarian,
small Maltese pigeons and other hen pigeon breeds. This sounds
unlikely from today's perspective, but is confirmed by the
illustrations in Dürigen 1886, 1906. The potential to diverge had
the race mixture still then in itself, so that in England they could
develop a heavy and 'round' type by selection. In Germany and Italy
it remained a lighter type with emphasis on different type

Fig. 15: Historische Abbildung eines Modeneser Gazzi, einer
Huhnschecke und einer Maltesertaube bei Dürigen 1886, entnommen:
Sell, Taubenrassen, Achim 2009
At the show in Kassel the English/American type Modenas were
registered with 219 numbers. Triganino Modena were 32 in the General
Section, including about half of them in the AOC class. In addition
there were seven collections among the new breeds’ section.
Interesting in the AOC class, the Triganio Schietti Magnani with
their variety, which made the term 'multicolored' all honor.

Fig. 16: Triganino Modenese schietti magnani AOC-class

Fig. 17: Triganino Modenese schietti magnani AOC-class
Dürigen, Bruno, Die Geflügelzucht nach ihrem jetzigen rationellen
Standpunkt, Berlin 1886. Zweite, gänzlich neu bearbeitete Auflage,
Berlin 1906.
Sell, Axel, Taubenrassen. Entstehung, Herkunft, Verwandtschaften.
Faszination über die Jahrhunderte, Achim 2009.